VELA Unified Payments This page will keep you up-to-date on events that the VELA team is participating in around the country.

HITEC North America 2020

June 15-18, 2020 — San Antonio, TX

Join us at HITEC San Antonio, produced by Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®), the world's largest hospitality technology show that brings the brightest minds and hottest technology from around the world in one place. HITEC® offers a unique combination of first-rate education and the world’s largest hospitality technology exposition. Sessions are led by industry peers and experts, and the unparalleled expo showcases the latest industry products and services from over 385 companies.

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CNP Summit 2020

May 19 - 21, 2020 — San Francisco, CA

CNP Summit™ equips fraud fighters, payment professionals and risk management experts with the knowledge and tools they need to offer rich digital commerce experiences to customers while protecting their business' bottom line. With over 50+ hours of education for e-commerce newcomers and veterans, learn how to leverage CNP payments in an increasingly multi-channel retail sales environment while connecting with hundreds of merchants looking to share best practices and form the partnerships with this environment requires.

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